The anonymous crisis shelter PAPATYA
The anonymous crisis institution PAPATYA is a temporary apartment with a secret address. PAPATYA has room for up to eight residents between 13 and 21 years of age. With us girls and young women find protection and help, if they flee from home because they feel threatened by their families. In over 35 years we have been able to take in more than 2,000 girls and young women.
We are an intercultural team of women consisting of social workers and a psychologist and are there for the girls round the clock. Currently we speak Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic, Farsi, English and German. The acceptance of minors occurs according to the Section 42 of the Children and Youth Assistance law and for young adults according to Section 41.
The girls and young women live for an interim time at PAPATYA. The aim is to develop a long term and safe perspective for the future with each resident. In our large apartment there are single- bed, two- bed and three- bed rooms. We also provide the basic necessities of clothing, toiletries and cosmetic articles.
Most important information
- Protected address
- 8 places for girls between 13-21 years of age
- Round the clock support
- Acceptance under Section 42 or 41 of the Children and Youth Assistance Law (KJHG)
- In emergencies immediate acceptance is possible
- Free of cost for Berlin girls through a flat-rate financing
- Berlin Youth Emergency Service (Jugendnotdienst) +49(0)30 61 00 62 (ask for PAPATYA to call you back)

Our Offer
- Shelter – At PAPATYA you will find a protected place and the necessary peace to reflect as well as protection from threats and pursuit/persecution by your family. For this reason we keep our address and telephone number secret. You can live with us for a temporary period until we have found a long-term solution.
- Refuge – Up to eight girls can stay with us in single-bed, two-bed or three- bed rooms in a family atmosphere. If you have to suddenly run away from home, you will receive what is necessary from us. At PAPATYA we cook and eat together and have a joint daily routine.
- Conflict solution – Together we look for a solution, which suits you and your life situation. We accompany you in the dealings with your family, and advise and support you individually. In this, PAPATYA works with the Youth Office or other responsible state authorities.
- Perspectives – The focus of our work lies in supporting you in planning your further life. In the crisis institution you will receive advice and help in the areas of health, German residency, and school and education. If you decide to separate from your family, we will assist you in looking for long term and – if necessary anonymous – If you still pursued/persecuted, we will advise you about blocking information about you and anonymisation.
PAPATYA is a recognised youth support institution.
In order to provide immediate acceptance in emergency situations, the stay for girls and young women from Berlin is financed at a flat rate by the Berlin State Ministry for Education, Youth and Families, which means it does not cost the Youth Offices anything. In the case of acceptance of girls from other areas of Germany, we send a bill to the relevant Youth office. For young adults the clarification of costs can be done after the girl has been accepted. If other costs are necessary in the context of Sections 34 or 41 of the SGBVIII law, we will discuss this with the relevant agency.
A part of the financing of the crisis institution comes from donations. If you would like to support our work, donate here now.