Current Activities
We proudly present: @online_sibel on Instagram
Our Instagram account has been online since________ and it provides information on the topics of our online counselling. On that site we provide information about our counselling services, how to contact us and many other infos on the topics of family controls, forced marriage, violence and abduction.
Our New Website goes online!
We worked on our new website for a long time and finally we are able to present it to you. In the future all our areas of work can be found at You will find here infos on our crisis centre, our counselling services and all our other projects.
The Renovation of the Girls’ Room is completed
‘Thanks to several generous donations, we were able to renovate and refurnish the four girls’ rooms at the crisis centre this year. The girls at the crisis centre and the team from Papatya say THANK YOU!
Our offer…
Papatya offers protection in cases of domestic violence, forced marriage and abduction.
The anonymous crisis institution PAPATYA offers protection for 8 girls and young women between 13 -21 years of age.
The online advisory service SIBEL advises girls and young women, LGBTI*Q, couples and professional helpers. We advise in the areas of domestic violence, domestic control and forced marriage.
As a coordinator between forced marriage and abduction we advise anyone, who fears abduction abroad. In cases where someone has already been abducted, we support the person concerned to return her to Germany.
#GetHelp – Campaign against forced marriage and abduction
The new prevention video #GetHelp encourages everyone, who is threatened by forced marriage and abduction, to get help early enough! Take a look at Jasmin’s story!
PAPATYA thanks the director Gabriel B. Arranhio, the actors, the team of CZAR, the soccer girls from Türkiyemspor Berlin e.V and the HEROES Berlin for their cooperation.