Daphne-Projekt: „A-Z to safety“

Project period: 2015-2016

The project “A-Z to safety” was focussed on the safety of girls and women. Injustices and violence, which are inflicted in the name of tradition and so-called “family honour” were to be combatted and prevented.

The basic rights charter of the European Union should be legal reality for all girls and women, violence in the name of “honour” and dangerous practices in the name of tradition should be prevented.

During the two-year project period, six partner organisations in Great Britain, German, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey:

  • Protected women and girls from harmful practices and violence through practical and psycho-social counselling
  • Strengthened the self-worth feelings and the independence of women and girls by providing knowledge and the capacity for self-confidence
  • Strengthened knowledge about harmful practices and violence in the name of “honour” both in the communities and among expert staff and improved the availability of assistance measures through consciousness-building workshops
  • Ensured the quality of assistance measures through a collection of data, training courses and teaching about best practice. Through campaigns and lobby work in political and administration circles the safety of the target groups was improved.


Leading organisation:

IKWRO (Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation), London, Great Britain


Partner organisations:

PAPATYA/Turkish-German Women’s Association., Berlin/Germany

Orientexpress, Vienna/Austria

Refugee Women’s Association (RWA); London/Great Britain

Animus Association, Bulgaria

Kamer, Diyarbakir/Turkey