“Improvement of Offers for Help for Girls and Young Women from the Islamic Cultural Area”

Project period: 1999-2000

The project consisted of nine partner organisations from Germany, Great Britain, France, Sweden, Spain, Austria and Turkey, which specialised in offering help to girls with a special need for protection.

The staff of Papatya undertook study trips to the partner countries to learn about the debates on migration there, their youth help systems as well as their special offers of help for girls with migration backgrounds.

After that a week-long seminar in Berlin was held with 30 staff from all the participating countries as well as an expert conference with 300 participants. The focus was networking and exchange of effective support.

This enabled the establishment of the “Berlin Working Group against Forced Marriage”, which still operates today.


Partner Organisations:

  • Germany: Papatya, Wasta – Working Group for the foreign child, Infrau and Kardelen
  • Turkey: Kadin Dayannisma Dernegi Eskisekir; Kadin 2000/Kadinin Insan Haklari Bilgi Belge Merkezi/TR
  • Netherlands: Saadet
  • Sweden: Terrafem und Kvinnojourer i Väst
  • Spain: Associacio FADA per a l’Assessorament i la Prevencio dels Abusos Sexuals a Menors
  • France: AGFAS Association Gardoise Femmes Accueil Solidarite and Elele
  • Austria: Orientexpress