sara kinsky
Project Period: 2020-2021
The Project “Ways out of forced marriage” provides materials for experts in Europe on prevention, protection and support in the case of forced marriage. The two-year EU project brings together partner organisations from Spain, Belgium, Germany and Greece. The aim is to make it easier for experts from various areas, who come into contact with cases of forced marriage for the first time, to be sensitised to the problem and to make it easier for those affected to get early access to the help system.
The project first establishes what are the current measures against forced marriage in the participating countries and the EU. Then in focus groups experts are able to share their experience with forced marriage and to assess the need for further education in various areas.
The project is developing the following work materials for experts: a video clip on forced marriage, which can, for example, be used in schools as an E-Learning course, to provide basic information about forced marriage and what can be done to avoid it.
A flyer summarises the most important facts and options for action.
A virtual reality tool gives a look at the situation of affected girls.
Leading organisation
- University of Barcelona, Spain.
Partner organisations:
- SURT Women’s Empowerment, Spain.
- Diotime Center for Research of Women’s Issues, Greece
- La Voix des Femmes, Belgium
- PAPATYA, Germany.
SHEROES - Together with those affected against violence in the name of honour
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Project Period: 2017-2019
The Program “Democracy lives!” was supported by Papatya in the period from 2017-2019. Its focus was the empowerment of girls affected by family violence and the expansion of our counselling work.
The content of the project was the expansion of the target groups for online counselling to threatened LGBTI*Q, whose families do not accept their sexual orientation, or threatened couples, who are not allowed to love each other because of the cultural or religious values of their families. In addition, we conducted the following activities:
- Renewal of the website for the online counselling service SIBEL
- Questioning schools in Kreuzberg and Neukölln about their experience with abduction combined with an information campaign
- #Gethelp – creation of a YouTube film and a campaign against forced marriage and abduction
- “My Life, My Way – Stories, which give courage” – production of a brochure, in which six former residents of the crisis centre Papatya, speak and tell of their way into a self-determined life.
HR in Practice – Human Rights as a part of language training to prevent HRV and harmful practices in the communities
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Project period: 2016-2018
This project focused on the prevention of violence in the name of honour and damaging practices through sensitisation and training measures.
“HRs in Practice” was coordinated by the FOLKSUNIVERSTETET Uppsala/Sweden and implemented with the support of organisations from Greece, Sweden, Portugal, Great Britain and Germany.
The project was focussed on the prevention of violence in the name of honour and damaging practices by undertaking sensitisation and training measures. To reach this goal, information about human rights, women’s rights and children’s rights was to be integrated into the curricula of language courses for new migrants in the partner countries. In addition, the partner organisation cooperated with migrant organisation, language schools and education institutions. The target groups of the project were not only girls and women, who needed to be made aware of their rights but also the entire family structure of the endangered group.
Daphne-Projekt: „A-Z to safety“
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Project period: 2015-2016
The project “A-Z to safety” was focussed on the safety of girls and women. Injustices and violence, which are inflicted in the name of tradition and so-called “family honour” were to be combatted and prevented.
The basic rights charter of the European Union should be legal reality for all girls and women, violence in the name of “honour” and dangerous practices in the name of tradition should be prevented.
During the two-year project period, six partner organisations in Great Britain, German, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkey:
- Protected women and girls from harmful practices and violence through practical and psycho-social counselling
- Strengthened the self-worth feelings and the independence of women and girls by providing knowledge and the capacity for self-confidence
- Strengthened knowledge about harmful practices and violence in the name of “honour” both in the communities and among expert staff and improved the availability of assistance measures through consciousness-building workshops
- Ensured the quality of assistance measures through a collection of data, training courses and teaching about best practice. Through campaigns and lobby work in political and administration circles the safety of the target groups was improved.
Leading organisation:
IKWRO (Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation), London, Great Britain
Partner organisations:
PAPATYA/Turkish-German Women’s Association., Berlin/Germany
Professionals and Youth in Partnership
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Project period: 2015-2018
The project in the context of the European Union’s Erasmus+ Program aimed to bring together youth between 16 and 25 years of age as well as experts, to seek to develop common training methods and materials against violence in the name of “honour” and other dangerous practices.
The goal of the five NGOs from four different countries was to create common, European-wide guidelines to implement sensitisation measures and training projects for expert staff.
Project leader:
Partner Orgainsations:
- PAPATYA/Turkish_German women’s Association e.V., Berlin/Germany
- Orientexpress, Vienna/Austria
- Refugee Women’s Association (RWA), London/Great Britain
- Kamer, Diyarbakir/Turkey
Coordination Office against Forced Marriage and Abduction – supported by Aktion Mensch (Human Action)
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Project period: 2013-2016
In the context of this project the coordination office against abduction and forced marriage was set up as the first central contact point to offer transregional help to those affected.
The coordination office emerged from the experience, that we had had in our anonymous crisis centre and our online counselling service SIBEL. Many of the girls and young women who had come to us feared being abducted to their countries of origin by their parents and left there. Individual cries for help from abroad reached us by email and made clear the difficult situation of abducted youth and the need for specialised prevention and counselling work including across borders.
The content of the projects was the setting up of an information website so that those affected by abduction could make contact with the online counselling by PAPATYA quickly and easily. Since then the coordination office against abduction and forced marriage has been contactable at
3 Ps – Prevention, Protection, Prosecution
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Project period: 2011-2013
Girls and women of Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic, Persian or Afghan origin, who live in Great Britain were to be supported in defending themselves against honour-related violence and forced marriage.
Those affected received qualified counselling in protected institutions, emotional support as well as therapeutic and legal assistance in their attempts to find a way out of the violence.
Information materials for those affected, training for multipliers and the sensitisation of the public about the provision of protection and help for women and girls with migration backgrounds, who suffer from family violence was also provided.
Project leader:
Partner Organisations:
- PAPATYA, German
- Refugee Women’s Association (RWA), Great Britain
Flying Team against Violence
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Project period: 2011-2013
With the “Flying Team” of the Netherland’s project leader Movisie, best practice models in the areas of protection from honour-related violence, forced marriage and abduction were presented by associations, organisations and decision-makers in politics and government organisations from the participating countries with the aim of promoting improvement in the protection of affected migrant women.
Project leader:
Partner organisations:
- Stichting Kezban and Stichting Wrelsaen, Netherlands
- PAPATYA/Turkish-German Women’s Association e.V., Germany
- Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, Cyprus
- University Ankara, Turkey
- Stichting Kezban and Stichting Welsaen, Netherlands
- PAPATYA/Turkish-German Women’s Association e.V., Germany
- Mediterranean Institute of Genderstudies, Cyprus
- ALMA Europa, Sweden
- Universität Ankara, Turkey
“SHEROES” – Strengthening Girls with Migration Background for a Self-determined Life
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Project period: 2011-2013
Many girls and young women from strongly patriarchal traditional families have great difficulty in determining their lives themselves. In particular, those affected from Turkish, Kurdish or Arabic backgrounds increasingly seek protection from violence in the name of honour, carried out by their own families. In France it is mostly girls from the Maghreb who are affected, while in England it is young women from Pakistani, Iranian or Arabic countries. Young Romnja also run away from family violence and forced marriage.
Those affected have a high inhibition threshold to overcome before they seek out a counselling service or speak to a government organisation about their domestic family problems.
With the direct participation of girls and young women, possibilities were tried out as to how they could strengthen their capability to act as well as their self confidence and to enable them to better defend themselves against violence. The participating projects aimed at prevention and participative quality development. The opportunities for action that were developed are nor standardised procedures but rather many -layered strategies, which necessarily are adapted to local circumstances and problems.
The project participants aimed to improve the protection for girls and young women, who suffer from family violence, forced marriage and abduction or are even threatened with murder in the name of family honour. Best practice models, in particular the use of online counselling for these hard-to-reach target groups, like the online counselling that Papatya has offered for over six years, were tested for their transferability and were further disseminated. The project “SHEROES” is based on the long cooperation between Papatya and the partner projects, which all offer specialised protection and counselling for young female migrants.
Partner organisations:
- Orientexpress Wien/Österreich
- Planning Familial, Montpellier/Frankreich
(see also: - IKWRO (Iranian and kurdish women’s rights organisation, London/Great-Britain
- Center Amalipe, Bulgarien
- Liga Pro Europa, Rumänien
- German Institute for Human Rights, Berlin/Germany
- Kamer/Diyarbakir
- • Berlin Police, office for Domestic/Family Violence, Germany
- Berlin Government Administration for Economics, Technology and Women, Berlin/Germany
Download Country Reports:
“Inter-cultural online counselling for young women and girls of migration background threatened with family violence”
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Project period: 2007-2010
A model project conducted by Papatya and supported by BMFSFJ
The online counselling service SIBEL, which has operated since 2004, is run by Papatya as part of a model project, supported by the BMFSFJ. The Proval Institute conducted an associated research project on its implementation and evaluation.